NCCC Florida (Big Bend)

Amy Alvarez
Megan Tuten
Connie Futch

A Message from Chapter Leader Amy Alvarez

My name is Amy Alvarez and I live in Perry, Florida. My daughter passed away November 29, 2016, from cervical cancer (adenocarcinoma) and left behind three small children. Before my daughter was diagnosed, I had to do a lot of research, because I had never really heard of or even knew what cervical cancer was. My daughter was able to reach people all the way around the world because of a live Facebook post she did on #TeamMeg. I still find that there is just no (or not enough) awareness out there for cervical cancer. I want to be Megan’s voice and change this. I want to get as much awareness out there as I can to prevent women from losing their life to this awful disease.

Megan’s Story

Megan Zipperer was a beautiful 25 year old daughter, wife, and mother of three young children who fought the hardest battle of her life—terminal cancer. If you knew Megan or saw her Facebook posts, you are able to see that she had such a positive outlook and was an incredibly sweet person loved by so many.

Megan’s journey with cancer began in May 2014. After heavy vaginal bleeding, she headed to the emergency room. Doctors diagnosed her with fibroid cysts and heavy menstruation. The bleeding subsided, but it never stopped. In December 2015, Megan went to her gynecologist to begin birth control for the irregularities, and that’s when they discovered something was very wrong. Megan had a large tumor on her cervix, visible to the naked eye during a pelvic exam. After a biopsy, she was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma of the cervix, or stage 3 cervical cancer. It had spread to her lymph nodes. She thought she beat it! The joy was short lived when she returned for her routine six month scan.

On October 13, 2016, she was told the most dreaded words that anyone could ever imagine hearing: “Your cancer has returned, and is also now in your lungs and stomach, and it’s terminal.” Just like that she was given 6 to 12 months—less than a year to create a lifetime of memories with her babies, husband, family, and friends. Less than a year to lay beside her soulmate at night. Less than a year to hug and kiss her babies goodnight. Since then, Megan’s 57-minute Facebook video has been viewed over 1 million times, and an army of supporters, dubbed “TeamMeg” immediately assembled, sending a constant stream of love and prayers her way. Unfortunately, her condition deteriorated far more rapidly than anyone predicted. On November 29, just six weeks after that fateful day, Megan passed away.

She leaves behind legions of fans, who quickly fell in love with her beauty—inside and out—her realness, and her incredible faith while facing death. She kept her faith strong. She knew that everything happens for a reason and that she would just let this be part of her testimony. She kept a positive outlook the whole time. That was just her. If you are reading this and have not gotten or delayed your Pap smear, mammogram, or colonoscopy because you don’t think it could happen to you, think again. Do not wait! Megan’s beautiful story can save lives!

Tutus and Tiaras

Chapter leaders Connie, Amy, and Meghan pose at the chapter’s first annual Tutus, Tiaras and Teal Walk to raise awareness for cervical cancer and raise funds to grow the chapter.

Want to learn more about the chapter? Interested in volunteering for an upcoming event or fundraiser, or just getting more information? Contact Amy Alvarez, Meghan Tuten or Connie Futch to learn more.

Cervical Cancer Prevention in Florida

This downloadable fact sheet outlines the key steps to prevent cervical cancer—vaccinate early and screen regularly. Customized for the Big Bend chapter, it also highlights statistics that show the burden of cervical cancer in Florida.