NCCC is pleased to offer a range of videos on cervical cancer, including stories from cervical cancer providers, the benefits of yoga for cancer patients and survivors, the basics of cervical cancer prevention, and the story of cervical cancer activist Michele Baldwin’s paddleboard journey down the Ganges river in India.
Videos for Healthcare Providers
Topics covered in these videos geared toward the healthcare provider audience include patient counseling and recommending HPV vaccines. Also, in a two-part series, noted researcher and leader in the STD field Dr. H. Hunter Handsfield discusses HPV screening, diagnosis and prevention.
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In Spanish/En Español
Our videos in Spanish touch on a subject of special importance to Latinas: cervical cancer. Latinas have the highest rates of cervical cancer of all groups of women in the US. The videos on this channel focus on the importance of early detection and prevention, including an animated video and a digital fotonovela.
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